9 Great Ways To Build Links To Your Website

  • Build a “X list”. Meaning a list of however many things you want on your topic. Example: 10 Ways To Make Money Online. People like to link to these type of posts/articles
  • Add a privacy policy and a picture of yourself to build authority on your website/blog
  • Create a list of the top 10 myths for a specific category
  • Post comments on other peoples blogs
  • Produce a free e-book and put a link for it on your homepage
  • Link to other blogs. By doing this most bloggers can track where links are coming from and they may in turn link back to your blog
  • Build a tool collection. Tools are always useful and people like to link to lists of useful tools
  • Add your posts to social marketing websites such as Digg and get your friends to tag it so hopefully it gets to the front page of the website and gets lots of hits / links
  • Make your content easy to understand and follow so that people are more likely to link to it
10 thoughts on “9 Great Ways To Build Links To Your Website
  1. comment blog and social media is good tool to build the link….I think very simple and useful listing, thanks

  2. I have been doing all that you have mentioned. I think social bookmarking are one of the most effective methods in link building.

  3. Shopping Cart Template says:

    Doing Wiki answers and Yahoo answers is also a good way of building links. Answering questions of people that are very helpful and accurate that are relevant to your site..

  4. Apart from the basic tips mentioned above, link exchange is also one of the way to build links to a website which is often very difficult to conduct mainly for the new websites and blogs that I am facing now. It is hard but not impossible.

  5. hello…I already getting thousand link…but the traffic still low…do you have come advice…thanks

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